Here is where we’d like to meet with YOU, our customer, whether a past, present or future one. Let us do a little dreaming together. Go ahead…kick off your shoes, get comfortable and grab a cup of coffee. Let’s talk!
First of all, let’s get acquainted. Our goal as a company is to excel in customer service and quality craftsmanship. Our team is made up of families just like yours. We appreciate good ol’ fashioned hard work and integrity.
We continually strive to perfect our personal abilities and work as a team, thus offering you a great product with attention to detail and personal customer service.
“Good is the enemy of Great!”
We would love to personally hear from you and talk about your dream home, your next project or answer some of your questions. Call 406-847-2316 Office or email
In the mean time, we will be posting information here, so keep checking in.
Did You Know?
Almost every state has a famous log cabin. Some have been reconstructed, like those that sheltered General George Washington’s army during the bitter winter of 1777 at Valley Forge. Or the childhood home of author Laura Ingalls Wilder (Little House on the Prairie books). And The Oldest building in Helena, Montana is a log cabin, built c. 1865.
Spring is on its way. It’s a great time to plan your restoration project!We have a lot of things we’d like to share with you. Future postings will include:
- Information on restoration
- Interview with owner/operator, Nelson Troyer
- Ideas for custom log homes
- Tips on decorating your log home
- Outdoor living, Gazebos & Outdoor Spaces
- Meet the Team
- Maintenance ….. and much more!
Thanks for sharing a moment with us. Looking forward to our next talk!